A scene of a kitchen with food being made with eggs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Liquid Egg Products

How do you read Eggland’s Best 100% Liquid Egg Whites product code?

Confused by the product code? It can be tricky.

USE BY 17 JAN 14 L2 P1455 3 LOT 3019G.

The "Use By" starts with the day (17), month (JAN) and then the year (14). This particular product should be used by January 17, 2014.

The next line "L2" refers to the line it was processed on (Line 2). After that, P1455 tells you which plant the egg whites were processed at.

Fnally, LOT is the lot code. 3 tells you what year (2013), while 019 tells you what day in that year according to the Julian calendar. The G, tells you which plant made the product.

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